Stanford Carta


UI UX Design Lead, Front-End Engineer

Stanford Carta is a collaborative, student-run course-choosing web platform (15 team members) and is used by 95% of undergraduates on a daily basis.

Our team aim to provide students easy, accessible ways to guide their educational choices.

As a design lead and a front-end engineer, I lead Carta’s design decisions and help dictate website layout. I was one of Carta’s first 3 founding team members.


Problems in University Course Planning:

  • Complex Yet Little Guidance

  • Process Complexity = More Stress, Anxiety

  • Unconscious Bias = Limited Exploration

Overall Goal:

  • How can we make students prone to exploring?

  • How can we give students correct information on courses and the importance of certain courses within their possible majors?

  • How can we expose unknown/unpopular classes towards students?


  • Work 3-6 hours a week across 3 different teams of design, front-end, and back-end

  • Lead 5+ designers to make design decisions

Every project updates are a part of Carta V3, meaning all features the carta team have been working on for the past year are to be launched in Winter 2022 as “Carta V3.”

Carta Expectations:


When implementing a functionality, Carta Design makes sure all small decisions are grounded in research and facts.

We go through meticulous process from user research and interviews (needfinding Interviews + quantitative surveys), User Research Analysis (Peronas, Journey Mapping…), to Lo-fi, Med-fi and Hi-Fi development.

Ex: Re-Designing Course Catalog Project


Becoming Homeless: Virtual Reality Experience
