DATE JAN 2022 - MAY 2022

Skills Used: Google Firebase, Swift, SwiftUI

Team: Lina Fang, Beste Aydin, Lavender Chen, Lina Fang, Taylor Lallas, Tracy Cai, Blynn Shideler(Mentour)

Github: https://github.com/cs342-budi/AssignmentTwo

BUDI is designed with the intention of creating a digital health platform to make physical and occupational therapy more accessible and engaging for children with cerebral palsy.

These are unsolved disparities that have been only accentuated in a pandemic world. BUDI addresses these challenges by leveraging the software frameworks of Apple Health & cardinalKit and hardware sensors embedded into an iPhone and Apple Watch to create a real-time biofeedback experience during physical or occupational therapy

Basic Structures

App Demo


Phone Demo

Watch Demo

What’s Next with BUDI?


Stanford Carta — UI / UX & Front-End


K 12 Lab - Stanford d.school