
DATE : FEB 2021 - JUNE 2021

K 12 Lab Undergrad Intern

Re-imagining the future of K-12 Lab Education; aiming to obliterate opportunity gaps

in elementary and secondary education by designing new, more equitable models

and sharing design approaches with students + educator


As K12 Lab intern, I worked with Stanford Designers in Residence to develop digital materials, strategy, and partnerships required to create an accessible and scalable learning experience for the future.

Experiences/workshops designed reached +200 participants across the US in various educational events such as SXSW EDU, Smithsonian, MHLI Summer Institute

Deepening Learning Frameworks

During the weekly meetings with K12 Lab administrators, I helped produce and continuously update a document that captured lessons, insights and quotes from the field of futures thinking, especially where it pertains to the K12 space.

K12 Lab Re-Branding

I helped assist the prototyping process of K12 lab re-branding from deciding the colors, restructuring/advising on new prototype designs, as well as creating branding materials. I was able to cross functionally work across amazing designers and k12 lab administrators.

Designing an Educational Futures Experience

Hall of Descendants


The Hall of Descendants is an exhibit that features a makerspace for participants to radically imagine K-12 education and showcase collective, multiple, expansive visions for the future in an interactive way.

individuals offered transformative ideas and created artifacts to imagine new futures and to expand beliefs in what’s possible.

This activity focuses on enhancing empathy for the future generations


With K12 Lab administrators, we realized one of the most framework for k12 students and educators to practice was “empathy for the future.”

With many prototypes, brainstorming, and white boarding sessions, we decided we needed an interactive workshop that would prompt individuals’ optimistic imagination for the future to essentially reshape reality.

To add a futuristic view, we added on augmented reality animations on top of participants’ created futuristics artifacts.


Smithsonian Museum


D.School Course, Flight in Futures

These experiences were brought to….




Others — Courseworks, Leadership, Artworks